Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions

Mantle is designed to be used in continuous deployment (CD) scenarios. This guide will show you how to setup a GitHub Action to automatically deploy your Mantle project on every commit.

This guide assumes:

GitHub Actions

Add required secrets

GitHub will need some secrets in order to deploy your Mantle project. The workflow below uses the following secret names:

  • ROBLOSECURITY - your Roblox cookie used to manage your Roblox resources
  • MANTLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - your AWS access key ID used to manage your remote state file
  • MANTLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - your AWS secret access key used to manage your remote state file

You can add these secrets by going to your GitHub repo's settings page, navigating to the "Secrets" section, then clicking "New repository secret".

Check-in the workflow

Check-in the workflow file to your repo:

name: Deploy
  # Enable manual deploys from the GitHub UI
  # Enable automatic deploys whenever code is pushed to the dev or main branches
      - dev
      - main
    runs-on: windows-latest
      # Checkout your Git repo
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Install foreman and all foreman tools (rojo and mantle)
      - uses: Roblox/setup-foreman@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      # Build the project with rojo
      - name: Build project
        run: rojo build --output pirate-wars.rbxlx
      # Deploy the project with mantle
      - name: Deploy project
        run: mantle deploy
          ROBLOSECURITY: ${{ secrets.ROBLOSECURITY }}

Make sure you update the workflow file to build your project to the location your Mantle file expects. If your project has multiple place files just copy the "Build project" step for each of them.

If you want GitHub to run the workflow on different branches, just update the list in the workflow file.

You're all set! GitHub will now deploy your Mantle project whenever code is checked in to your configured branches.